Today we're going to spend on Google : Google Inc. is the owner of the Google brand, whose main product is the engine of the same name. It was founded on September 4, 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
- The first thing to learn is to take advantage of the google search , how we search, advanced search strategies and what things we bucar (pictures, videos, etc.).
- The second you see is the email, open an account in gmail and explore some of the possibilities (calendar, attachments, etc..)
- also try to set up a desk for your browser to igoogle .
iGoogle lets you create a personalized home page that includes a Google search box at the top and all the gadgets you want on the bottom. Gadgets come in a variety of forms and provide access to activities and information from across the Web so you do not have to leave your iGoogle page.
- Finally you can use filtering Google results not to display adult content, for example. To do so, fill out a filter to eliminate results that do not want. called SafeSearch and allows filtering of results, images, and web pages with explicit sexual content