EEOOII in simultaneous concentrations Language Schools join strike education to maintain higher level courses
25/04/2008 Madrid, April 25 (EFE) .- Teachers and students at language schools in Madrid will join protests convened by the teaching unions the Community to continue to claim that these centers providing advanced courses in language and do not oblige students to attend more expensive private schools. CCOO and platforms for teachers and students of the schools have spread the call to join the proposed merger on 29th to the Ministry of Education of the Community and to support an unannounced strikes on 7 and 21 May for public schools in non-university education. Their claims, however, are aimed at both the Madrid and the Ministry of Education, explained to EFE Carmen Marchante, responsible CCOO Language School in Madrid. Asked the Ministry to rectify the extent of letting communities decide for themselves whether or not schools will continue providing the highest level of the different languages, the C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference ", which, explained Marchand, down the rules of the Organic Law of Education (LOE). States that want to ensure that all citizens can study this language level and not veto this training to those who do not have sufficient resources to attend private institutions. The Community of Madrid has not ruled definitively on the matter, and, in principle, expected to allow individual schools to decide whether to continue providing the highest levels, but schools can not do it if not increases the number of places for teachers convened for next year, said Marchand.
"They are strangling language schools," he warned, because to maintain the current supply of training places would be needed over seventy teachers next year, and, "after a hard fight, the Community has taken only forty." They say they plan to put more supply teachers, but we want a high percentage of interns in schools, because their position is more unstable, their involvement is usually less and this affects the quality of education offered by the center, he added. The need for teachers is higher because, in addition, the Community of Madrid has decided to set a course more (six versus five were taught so far) although the level given in the last year (B2) will be lower than is taught in fifth of the old system. This "no sense" because it requires students to study more years to get a lower level, unlike other communities, such as Catalonia, has kept the five courses. They also reported that all students who pass the examination in the fifth year of a language, which until now required a C1 level of knowledge, with the new legislation was a recognition of the lower level of proficiency. The regulation becomes equivalent LOE Certificate of Fitness, which is obtained by passing the fifth and Certificate of Advanced Level (B2), without considering that until now, the agenda was a fifth-C1. The Community of Madrid has assessed down the titles of language schools in the competitive examinations and while the Certificate of Fitness is worth 0.5 points, any other level C is worth 2. Dealer says the Ministry has created the "big problem" to deregulate education, not ensure that the securities issued by these centers are valid throughout the state, unlike other certificates by foreign institutions. EFE mjp / msr / fv
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