Friday, May 23, 2008

Wma To Mpeg4 Using Sony Vegas


In Aragon recovered the September session, will be examined not only the skills overcome, and guarantee them at least two calls for unified testing year.
(Now we need the level C)
Extracts of the Order of May 6, published in the Official Gazette of Aragon on May 23, 2008:

"Failure to pass all skills the ordinary call of June,
candidates shall be required to resit in September
those skills not only in the first overcome. "

" The Education Authority will hold two annual calls for the completion of these tests
unified. "

"Students have two annual call an ordinary
be held in June and an extraordinary one to be held in September,
to pass each course in the middle. In the case of courses that develop
in the first quarter, the ordinary call will be held in February and resit
be held in June and in the case of courses that develop in
the second term, the ordinary call will take place in the month of June and the extraordinary
in September. "


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